Tuesday, 11 October 2011

"If Kafka Worked for Nike"

Today, I am buzzing with happiness! Nothing will wipe this smile from my face! Why am I so cheery you wonder? I'll tell you! Paragraph Planet have published my 75 word story as story of the day on their site!! 


I am even more overjoyed by how they described the tale on twitter - "If Kafka worked for Nike. Jessica Cooke, recent #flf11 winner writes the surreal 'My trainers keep talking to me" Smile. Smile. Smile. 

When I first discovered the site I sat and read through every story, each one fantastic by the way, and endeavoured to do one myself. I absolutely adore short/flash fiction, but this was one hell of a challenge, one which I thoroughly enjoyed none the less.

Go on and try it! If not check out the site and see if there is a writing group near you, or just go and have a read of all the stories (even mine if you should feel so inclined hehe). It's a brilliant site and it deserves your attention.

My head is now hurting with excitement. I best depart!

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Websites You Need To See!

Here are a few websites that are home to some absolutely incredible stories and some that are devoted to getting writers known and spreading their love for all things literary:

Stories based all over Manchester are innovatively displayed as little clouds on a map of the city.

An incredible site dedicated to extreme flash fiction, they publish one (exactly) 75 word story every day. It is harder than some of the authors make it look, give it a try!

Previously known as blue-eyed boy bait; a lovely little magazine that has a different theme for each issue, they are connoisseurs of ‘word joy’ of both poetry and prose. 

A project run by one of my old university professors Gill James. Their vision is to have a creative café in every café in every city, town, and airport to give coffee lovers everywhere an extra helping of literary goodness with their drinks. 

A space for creative people to show and share their blog posts and projects with other creative types.

I will keep mini-posting websites inbetween bigger posts with all kinds of literary websites that I think are noteworthy! I insist that you have a look at at least one of them, if not all! You won't regret it!