Tuesday, 11 October 2011

"If Kafka Worked for Nike"

Today, I am buzzing with happiness! Nothing will wipe this smile from my face! Why am I so cheery you wonder? I'll tell you! Paragraph Planet have published my 75 word story as story of the day on their site!! 


I am even more overjoyed by how they described the tale on twitter - "If Kafka worked for Nike. Jessica Cooke, recent #flf11 winner writes the surreal 'My trainers keep talking to me" Smile. Smile. Smile. 

When I first discovered the site I sat and read through every story, each one fantastic by the way, and endeavoured to do one myself. I absolutely adore short/flash fiction, but this was one hell of a challenge, one which I thoroughly enjoyed none the less.

Go on and try it! If not check out the site and see if there is a writing group near you, or just go and have a read of all the stories (even mine if you should feel so inclined hehe). It's a brilliant site and it deserves your attention.

My head is now hurting with excitement. I best depart!

1 comment:

  1. Loving your trainers.. I am on tomorrow for the first time..x
