Sunday, 22 April 2012

Final Preparations For The Big Day

World Book Night is FINALLY on the horizon! Only one more sleep (who am I kidding; there's no way I'll be sleeping tonight) until the big day! 

Having written in and inserted my extra note into all of the books, and re-read a copy of one of them so I can confidently suggest my favourite story to new potential readers tomorrow, I decided that I wanted to test my rubbish art skills yet again in order to grab peoples attention. As such, my new t-shirt was born:

Where it might not look like much to anyone else, I couldn't be happier with how the t-shirt has turned out. So to anyone wandering around Manchester City Centre tomorrow; if you see me wearing this then, dear lord, come over and say hello! You might even get a book out of it! I'm keeping my fingers well and truly crossed that I meet a lot of new and lovely literary enthusiasts and even manage to create a few new ones.

I'll be ending the day at the Deansgate Waterstones for their World Book Night event that includes readings, of their favourite books/stories, from variety of authors such as; Sam Mills, Rodge Glass, Chris Killen, Joe Stretch, Socrates Adams, Simon Savidge, and poets; Carola Luther, Evan Jones, Grevel Lindop and Helen Tookey. It's free to attend and starts at half past six. 

See you all tomorrow, have a wonderful World Book Night!

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