Tuesday, 16 October 2012

2.8 Hours Later - ZOMBIE!!!

Friday the 28th of September was the big day! Sara, Jack, Iain, and I were finding out whether or not we'd get to be zombies for our volunteer shift with 2.8 Hours Later... I don't know about the others, but I think the only other comparisons to how anxious I was at such news would be; finding out what degree I got (2.1 - WOO) and generally any time I'm at the dentists. I stood with bated breath, my hands covering the majority of my face, waiting while a member of the team searched my name on her computer; she turned to me with an exasperated expression, blew her breath between her teeth and said;

'You're a type two zombie mate!' 

I was overjoyed! Iain and Sara got the same treatment and were just as enthused as I was; though both behaved in a much cooler manner than I did - actually shouting 'YAY' and doing a little dance. Jack was the only none-zombie, but he was happy enough to be a marshal nevertheless. Next we were lead upstairs to start our Zombification, but this was where things got a little sad; Iain - being the tallest man that I know - had trouble with scrubs and was told he couldn't be in the same zone as us. Woe. WOE! So it meant that we had to get separated; Sara and I as type two zombies in zone 9 - with Jack as our marshal/personal photographer/phone minder/general awesome guy - whereas Iain had to be a type one in the garden surrounding the estate agents. Eventually we got over this; got covered in blood, and sat around making hilarious (and I mean HILARIOUS) zombie puns until we were taken to our zone. This is how we looked after a good make over;


Zone 9.
Sara and I were teamed with two other girls; Laura and Beki; both were awesome zombies (I remembered Beki from Wednesday night; terrifying!) on a dingy street just after the survivors had a run in with a girl and her soon-to-turn-zombie boyfriend in the skate park. During our warm up routines of star jumps, jogging on the spot, and generally looking like undead idiots in order to limber up we made friends with some rats. Disgusting! To say that we were meant to be the most fearsome things on that street; we all freaked out as a rat ran past me, hit Sara's foot and did a back flip over it!

Just before the first lot of unfortunate survivors stumbled across our path the full moon came out and cast an even creepier, eerie over us;

And then another for good measure...
It was exhilarating hearing all of the terrified comments from the players/survivors when they got to us; it was really difficult not to smile with each profanity they came out with, but their fear just spurred us on all the more. All of the guttural noises we made were incredible; sucking our breath harshly down our throats that we sounded famished, the horrible splattering of blood that Sara was spitting at people (AMAZING!!), and all of the screams/cries/roars we made sounded like nothing I would've thought any of us could make. 

There are two specific moments/people from that night that stand out; the first being when I ran, limbs flailing, roaring towards a blonde girl; she let out the most blood curdling scream that I have ever heard! It stopped me in my tracks and I couldn't help but watch her, dumbfounded, hold a trembling arm out for me to bite. The second was when a pal of mine, one of my best pals from college, (finally) appeared at the top of our street; I heard my name repeated a few times (and there was me thinking I'd be unrecognisable in the light/zombie attire) and decided to lock on to her; there was no way I was letting her past without a fight! I would not let her pass, having to make lots of zombie noises to stop myself from laughing/smiling while she shouted 'Fuck off Jess! Just fuck off! Ahh!' she was terrified! (I won't lie; I felt awesome at this point!) If it wasn't for the Zombie School Rule of 'Do not tag from the front' I would have sunk my teeth into her with ease! ...but alas, she slipped through my fingers and darted off down the road (seriously; you were a whippet!).

After the final survivors came through our zone we went and had a little rest in the skate park while Joe (our Zone Leader) played around on a skateboard. What a legend. The off back to HQ (Mad Lab in Norther Quarter) to get changed before dragging our shattered zombie arses to the Zombie Disco for a drink, natter, and relax.

My experience with 2.8 Hours Later was just the best experience of my life. As a survivor; I've never been so terrified yet enjoying myself so much, while being a Zombie was just amazing; I thoroughly miss terrifying people. I won't be hesitating to do it again next year. I implore you all to do it; you won't regret it.

Massive thanks to Slingshot for being so innovative and courageous to make the game and so many others that I am dying to play!

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